Mein Lyrik-Blog mit Texten, die ich diskutieren will. Kritiken und Hilfestellungen (auch zum Englisch) sind erwünscht. Please help to improve my English and share your opinion about the textes! You can find translations into English below the German descriptions.
Montag, 23. August 2010
There is no “only” in my mind
- no only go to the left or go to the right.
There’s no “only” in my mind
- no only to do something wrong or to do something right.
There is no “only” in my words
- no only I could use to say: Please stay.
There is no “only” in my words
- no only I would use to wish and pray.
There is no “only” in my eyes
- no only, so you could read and see.
There is no “only” in my eyes
- no only, so that you just should say: Yes, I agree.
There is no “only” in my moves
- no only that leads me up this specific road.
There is no “only” in my moves
- no only that lets me not thinking of what happens abroad.
There is no “only” in my simple, little world
- not only one thought, not only one dream.
There is no “only” in this simple, big, round world
- not only one truth, not only one reason to scream.
Only when I sit here: thinking, feeling, writing
- I see my own truth, but don’t understand,
I just sit here: thinking, feeling, only writing
- listening to your play, the play of anybody’s hand.
*The impact of music on writing.