Mein Lyrik-Blog mit Texten, die ich diskutieren will. Kritiken und Hilfestellungen (auch zum Englisch) sind erwünscht. Please help to improve my English and share your opinion about the textes! You can find translations into English below the German descriptions.
Montag, 23. August 2010
The way I love is strong, my friend.
The way I touched you was written
By this strong heart,
That wishs to have been
This time.
Didn’t your mother told you, too:
Icarus once flew high, high up to the sun.
Fell, died
- Drowned in his dreams – no fun?
I believed and learned:
Not to dream,
Nor to fly high,
To land without a need to cry,
Sometimes, too, to use a lie.
The lies always turn to myself,
Grin, laugh, hit me hard.
Rain doesn’t wash my guilt,
This time,
I WANT to lie muddy in the yard.
In hope
To find two forgiving eyes,
That see, the way I dream is weak,
That know the lies before I do speak.
In hope
To find some trusty arms,
That teach me to fall without a fear,
That catch me before I shift into the fifth gear.
In hope
To find two tender lips,
That will kiss and tell and stay,
In hope
To find two tender lips,
That will understand the worlds different grey.