Sonntag, 28. August 2011

Unsung Love Song

The first page of my book I didn't read at all
The first verse of a song I denied to dance
The first flower I didn't paint alone in red
My heart - this is for you!

You can't see only with your eyes
Don't take me only in your tender hands
You can't hear the words, I'll always use
Nothing special to taste, but love is all around.
- but love is in the air.

When we dance

With open hearts to feel

When you sing

I'll sing with you

When you had a troubled hard day

Just look, you're in my heart

And my sun will only shine for you.

The last page of a book I didn't write 'bout us
The last verse of a poem still unsung
The last kiss in every dream in dark and lonely nights
My love - this is for you!

'Coz this is another unsung love song
I won't sing to prove I'm right
This song will be sung by some other tongues
Who will speak out loud, what love is all about.

'Coz this is an unsung silent love song
Unwritten notes with a lack of rhymes
A sheet I wrote on, I kept simply white
'Coz our hearts just know those words so bright.

*It's a song, actually. My first one. I wrote it for a wedding, but didn't share it. It's too "kitschie" :(

Dienstag, 23. August 2011


Ein Stuhl, der stand im Walde
Und kam da nicht mehr raus.
Ein Stuhl, der wollt nicht wandern
Ward angestrichen, grau wie eine Maus.

Als es regnet, barg er sich im Busch,
Als es schneit, ward er versteckt im Schnee
Als ein Mann wollt auf ihm sitzen
Brach sie entzwei wie abgebrochener Klee.

Ein Stuhl, der lag im Walde
Am Hang dort bei dem Pilz
Ein Stuhl, der rostet hölzern
Verlor dann Herz, das Hirn, die Milz.

* Ein sehr verrücktes kurzes brutales Gedicht. Im Gedanken war ich bei einer Frau aus meinem Leben, die leidvoll und zu früh aus dem Leben trat.

Fool, actually

Fools just think, it could be easy
To give to the world
In an age like this.
Fears run down, than up, jump wildly around.
They’ll find new fears to prove, they really exist.

Fools just think, it could be easy
To say “I care for you and stay”
In a time like this.
Pain runs down, than up, new weapons to test.
They’ll invent new knives, find out what kills best.

Fools just think, it could be easy
To turn back to the time we all were born
After the centuries we ran.
Nightmares in books, only wars to learn in schools.
They’ll rewrite good things to prove the necessity of fools.

*In this text I fighted against all the mechanisms that just led to the common ways of history. I wished that fools would be more powerful, because I miss them changing the common rules.

The Wordbook

I promised to reinvent new words
Today I cry
I couldn’t find words
To make my heart understand.

The dictionary there
In that shelf,
Borrowed from the street,
Is filled with words
I invented
To be a musician
I shouldn’t be.

The words all know
Are quite wise.
They just call “love”
A lie.
The words, all know
Made me stumble alone.
They just call “trust”
A not must.

*It's about the power of words, of constructs that are so difficult to believe in. It's the longing for a language who might only musicians have(?).

The Wine Cellar

When you woke up
I’d been with you
Every morning I’d changed my name.
When you woke up
I’d kissed you twice,
Once on left, once on right side brain.

When you sang
I’d breathed and danced
To keep you strong and kind.
When you sang there loudly
I’d watched the clock
To tell you it’s time soon to finally come home.

When you’ve been out
I’d burnt the lights I own
To bring you safely home.
When you’ve been out there, just to dance
I’d started to knit you a hat
Knitted it warm
To give your life a new chance.

My lonely knight were out to war
To fight on there and lose his life.
My enemy, well known, who met me here
Were stronger
So he stole our beer.

*A fight between the enemies in me and a love.