Montag, 29. September 2014


I'm drunk, but didn't drink a vodka.
I'm stoned, but didn't have a blunt.
I'm tired, but can not close my eyes.
I'm awake, but had too many tries.

What can I do this lonesome night?
No moon, no stars outdoor so bright.
No owl that says "good night" to me.
Lonesome I couch - no she - no he.

My phone's just quiet as every day.
No neighbour says: Hello!
Still a stranger here, where I now live,
No question to ask, no answer to give .

Thinking of you, I start to write.
See you too soon, or better not, right?
'Coz dangerous it'll always be.
You'll never join me for a tea.

Thinking of you, still writing I do.
Remembering the first boy, though.
He once played naively, so wild and free.
Long time ago, it now seems to me.

My little world changed - because of you.
Still an alien where I once grew
Will I leave to see you there again.
Will hurry up, will come by fast train.

Will I survive there, will I see?
My answers, my questions - will you agree?
Are you still glad to see me so soon?
Am hoping at least of an afar shiny moon.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Dieser Text kommt in den ersten Strophen ins Schwingen und hat lyrisches Appeal trotz teils holpriger Kadenzierung. Der Reim mit "right" wirkt dann etwas angestrengt. In der Folge verändern wechselvolle Bezüge die entfachte Grundstimmung und das Thema der Einsamkeit wird durch die von vielen Fragen gebeutelte Hoffnung auf neue Zweisamkeit abgelöst.


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