Mein Lyrik-Blog mit Texten, die ich diskutieren will. Kritiken und Hilfestellungen (auch zum Englisch) sind erwünscht. Please help to improve my English and share your opinion about the textes! You can find translations into English below the German descriptions.
Samstag, 23. August 2008
Plea to a Friend
Let's scream together.
Press my hand,
That I can feel,
I am not alone,
This time.
Let's scream together
Louder, my friend.
Decided to lose my ear
Decided to lose my voice
Just scream on.
Hold my hand, my friend
And let me punch you.
Tense your muscles,
So it doesn't hurt.
If you need to cry,
I would cry with you.
If you need to cry,
I would know a reason.